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Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning | Big Data

Thursday, 4 September 2025 | 10:00 – 18:00 | Stage 1

As Generative AI and large language models give way to ever-more sophisticated technology, the impact of artificial intelligence is becoming ever more critical. This full-day session on artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data examines some of the key questions affecting the sector as well as the wider economy and society today.


Keynote Speech

10:00 - 10:30             


Session 1: The Frontier of Artificial Intelligence

10:30 – 12:00            


As investments in Artificial Intelligence become even more powerful, the prospect of an Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) becomes even more plausible. Under this scenario, AI would transform into something similar to a sentient organism capable of self-reproduction and growth. Currently, AI operates on algorithms and learned patterns but lacks consciousness, emotions, or self-awareness. While some researchers argue that self-awareness in machines is theoretically possible, it would require a level of cognitive architecture far beyond current AI capabilities. This session will examine the latest developments from AI initiatives; the "investment arms race" in terms of AI investments; why AI requires some form of value alignment and fail-safe mechanisms; prospects for the Singularity; and other key issues arising in 2025. 

4 Speakers (15 minute presentations)


​First Break

12:00 – 12:30            


Session 2: AI and the Future Workforce / Future Economy

12:30 – 14:00            

A fear expressed by many observers (and an opportunity by others) it the impact of AI on our current and future workforce. It is highly likely that repetitive and rules-based service professionals in retail, customer service, accounting, insurance, law, consulting, coding, and others will be replaced, or at least heavily complemented, by AI. This module explores the likely impact of AI on our workforce and society.

4 Speakers (15 minute presentations)

AI Investment in Computing Power and Energy Generation

Dr. Marios Dikaiakos

Professor of Computer Science, University of Cyprus

Second Break

14:00 – 14:30


Session 3: Regulating AI

14:30 – 16:00            

The question of how AI will be regulated, in its positive and negative aspects, is one that concerns us all: companies, startups, citizens. This session will explore the policy aspects of regulating a rapidly-evolving field that is ultimately based on personal data as well as a large body of copyrighted information.

4 Speakers (15 minute presentations)

Frontiers of Ethical AI

Elena Poughia

Founder of DataNatives & Managing Director, Dataconomy

Question & Answer Session

Third Break

16:00 – 16:30            


Session 4: Investing in AI

16:30 – 18:00           

This session will present the perspectives of four investors in Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Machine Learning. In addition to a brief presentation of their respective firms and theses, the investors will be open to discussion on a wide variety of subjects relating to risk, success stories, failures, etc.

4 Speakers (15 minute presentations)

Question-and-Answer Session

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